Friday, October 7, 2011

The waiting game

Two months doesn't seem like an incredibly long time, unless it's two months of waiting, in which case it can feel like an eternity.  After I had my D&C, I asked my OB the all important question - "when can we start trying again?"  He told me 2 months. 

As a whole, there is a lot of waiting in this trying to get preggo business.  First it was waiting to see if I actually was pregnant, waiting for my first doctor's appointment, waiting to see if we would actually get a heartbeat, waiting to see if I would miscarry naturally.  After the D&C, there was waiting for my first period, waiting to see if I would ovulate as usual, waiting for my next period....and now here we are. 

Dear Aunt Flo arrived yesterday.  My cycle seems to sticking at 30 days and I'm apparently cramp free.  [Hey, something good did come of this right?]  Of course, I spent the last 2 months just wishing we could hurry up and start trying again, and now that we can, I feel strangely unprepared - which is totally not the case considering I've been anticipating this every single day.  Having said that, I'm also very excited, although a little anxious.  Just thinking positive thoughts that it'll all go smoothly this time.  I'm still yearning to decorate the nursery, sew and knit sweet little outfits, go on play dates with my best friends' children...

So, how are we celebrating that we made it?  Sushi for dinner.  Might as well get it in while I can right?

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