Friday, June 17, 2011

I peed on a stick

As of two days ago, it appeared that my period was late and my basal body temperature was still high.  I told my husband that I'd be picking up some home pregnancy tests on the way home.  The logic being that either I'm pregnant or the mere act of buying them would remind my period that it's supposed to be here.  

Yesterday morning, I woke up, peed on a stick (ok, well technically peed in a cup and then deposited said pee on a stick), and set off the timer on my phone.  About a minute later, a faint line showed up next to the control line.  I double checked the box, double checked the line, held it up to the light thinking maybe my eyes were messing with me, then went to wake the husband for a second opinion.  His first response was "but it's hardly there" and then padded back off to bed.  So, I peed again, grabbed a second test...SAME THING!  This time, after shoving the proof in his face, husband smiled, then mumbled something about having super sperm.  I went off to work quietly contemplating the fact that I am apparently preggo.  

It does explain why I've been kind of tired, very gassy, and was feeling like my usual swim workout was tougher than usual.  I had also had a dream last week that I was pregnant, and chalked that up to pregnancy being part of my subconscious desire.  Even now as I'm typing this, I'm prematurely awake as a result of a wave of nausea that hit me obnoxiously early this morning.  It's like this tiny little seed that's inside my body is trying to find a way to say hi.      

Of course, it still hasn't quite sunk in (and probably still won't for a few days).  Husband insisted that I make an appointment with my doctor immediately - in part because I'm convinced he needs to hear it from the doctor himself - so I have my first pre-natal visit on Monday.  It was so cute talking to the girls at the doctor's office when making my appointment, because they were so cautious to make sure this was wanted before offering friendly congratulations.  Yup, officially that's freakin' weird but so damn exciting!  

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