Thursday, June 23, 2011

Catching my breath!

This week has been a whirlwind.  I finally got to see my regular doctor on Monday, had the blood test, and Tuesday was given the confirmation that I am indeed 5 weeks along.  My estimated due date is Feb 21, 2012.  I always said I didn't want to be carrying around an extra 30 lbs of baby during the middle of summer when it's hot as hell, so I guess our timing was excellent in that regard!

Next thing was to find an OB/GYN, which was a daunting task at first.  My doctor had given me a short list of suggested OBs nearby, and decided to start off by checking reviews online.  Let me tell you that it was a daunting process.  One of the docs had great reviews on Yelp, but it seemed like every reviewer had a C-Section.  Now, I'm not adverse to the concept of a C-Section, but I certainly do not want that to be pushed upon me by an OB with an agenda.  Then there were a slew of OBs with reviews that fell into the "loved them they were amazing!" or "they have the worst bedside manner and wish I'd had a different doctor".  Just not encouraging.  Even worse were the occasional "he nearly killed me" reviews, which just makes any expectant mother want to run screaming I would imagine.

Having exhausted all the possibilities for an OB at the hospital nearest me, I decided to branch out to the nearest hospital with a good maternity ward in the other direction from home, which also happens to be the hospital where my husband was delivered.  Like magic my dream OB jumped off the computer screen.  This guy has 5 stars across the board from every website providing reviews.  He also has multiple awards from the Patient's Choice web site - which logs ratings and awards by patients.  Even better, he's in network for my insurance, and accepting patients to boot.  My first appointment with him is on July 8th.  So, I have to spend the next 2 weeks being patient, but it'll be worth it to have my first ultra-sound and get to see the little seed that's growing in there.

Finally, there was the task of telling immediate family.  Husband's family have been gently "encouraging" us for a while now, ever since his younger sister had her first (and is now expecting again).  The phone calls came back-to-back:
- My preggo sister-in-law sounding practically more excited about my pregnancy than her own; offering me books, clothing, and overall support for the fact we're simultaneously carrying cousins.
- My father-in-law and step-mother-in-law sounding giddy and ready for a celebratory drink.  I told them to enjoy a drink for me seeing as it's not like I can partake for a long while.
- My mother-in-law concerned about my symptoms (which incidentally are pretty minimal) and providing the advice as a mother of three can.  We discussed the doctor I've chosen, the hospital I'm considering, and generally what to expect.
- The grandparents, who are just thrilled to be in anticipation of their third great-grandchild.  It is indeed a wonderful thing to be able to celebrate.

The task of telling my family seemed strangely more daunting.  My younger brother was speechless for a moment, then really excited, and has been texting me [terrible] name suggestions ever since.  He may not admit it, but I can tell he's thrilled to be an uncle for the first time.  As for my parents, it took me a while to get hold of them given that they live in England and there's the time-zone issue.  I started to get nervous and psych myself out - it's like I was a teenager again and preparing to give an explanation for why I showed up on the front doorstep drunk.  The more I thought about it, the worse it got, and then the guilt kicked in because they would be the last to know.  So, when my mom finally picked up the phone and I delivered the news, I can't really explain the overwhelming sense of relief that overcame me as I heard the words "that's good news!" come out of her mouth.  I think in some way my parents knew it may be coming.  As my dad pointed out, I've been "broody" for a while.  We're not sure how they're going to make it out for the birth considering there's the whole international travel aspect, but it's already at the forefront of my mother's mind. 

It wasn't brief, but that's what's happening.  I'm happy to say that all is right in my world.

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